Enrichment The agronomist

The agronomist

Compared to the difference between a good apple and an excellent apple, the difference between an average cannabis inflorescence and an excellent one is huge. But the importance of producing excellent inflorescences is essential, and it is the company's first task. To produce excellent cannabis inflorescences from all genetics, in any season and in any growing conditions requires people who know plants like the back of their palm. These people are the agronomists. Our agronomists are the brains behind the process of growing and producing our quality cannabis inflorescences and it's time to get to know them.

Between genetics

They brought the agronomist a cannabis seed and by about 13 weeks, he already knew what to do with it. Our agronomists trust the special cultivation protocols appropriate to all genetics. The appropriate menu, pruning during growth, aesthetic cultivation and recommended training methods all vary from genetics to genetics. Dominant Sativa genetics will usually grow tall and require proper folding. Indica suckers tend to design for themselves a shrub structure that can cast a shadow on an inflorescence. Aside from general recommendations, genetics usually do not come with an instruction booklet and the agronomist must identify the requirements of each strain with the help of rigorous and daily testing of different cultivation methods and fertilization protocols. If this is not enough to understand the degree of difficulty, know that the work of agronomists only becomes more complex with the change of seasons.

Between seasons

The requirements of the plants vary from season to season, and these permutations must be identified in order to get the most out of growing cannabis, and especially when grown in greenhouses, however well-equipped they may be. With the arrival of the summer season, the ventilation must be increased slowly and care must be taken to ensure that the greenhouses remain at the ideal temperatures and humidity percentages. However, when winter comes, you can turn on the heating systems and make sure that the air is not too dry for the growth greenhouses. The spring season brings with it a wide range of possible pests and autumn also brings with it a variety of its own pathogens. The agronomist must identify the changes that occur with the change of seasons and make sure that the greenhouses are prepared for them even before they occur. In addition, the agronomist verifies that the agricultural tools the facility uses are appropriate; That the substrate is made of the appropriate material and volume, that the fertilizers are suitable for the irrigation regime, the fertilization protocols and the season, that the amounts of carbon dioxide are not harmful to the greenhouse workers, and this is just the beginning ...

Between tools

Our agronomists are also responsible for the growth decisions that come after the selection, design and cultivation of genetics. Starting with the choice of substrate, through the design of the irrigation regime, the choice of fertilizer materials and the construction of fertilization protocols; Shall we work with coconut, perlite, or a mixture of the two? Will we use 4 liter or 6 liter bags? Agronomists need to explore all options and identify what works best at each stage. Depending on the choice of substrate, agronomists must also adapt a diet to any genetics at any age. On the one hand, agronomists are trying to enrich the plants growing in the facility with everything they need to grow without deficiencies. On the other hand, cannabis is very sensitive to over-irrigation and fertilization at too high a concentration. Agronomists must choose an irrigation regime suitable for all genetics in all weathers, and adapt organic fertilizers that will be available to the plant roots exactly when they need them.

Between means of protection

Agronomists must also decide which pesticides and pesticides to use, as well as monitor their effectiveness. Plants have their own immune system - and in ideal function and complete health this system manages to keep out the pests that threaten cannabis plants on their own. However, even during the growth cycle of the most resistant genetics there will be vulnerabilities - moments and areas where harmful bacteria, diseases and insects can pose a threat to plants. Our agronomists know the climate and environmental pests well enough to offer organic prevention solutions that suit them. If necessary, they also knew how to activate and bounce the effectiveness of the organic pesticides we use.

In conclusion

Agronomists are the brain responsible for producing our high quality medical cannabis inflorescences. They are entrusted to know, cultivate and fertilize the genetics in a personal way in order to produce excellent inflorescences from each of them. They know the conditions of the Israeli climate in every season and in all growing conditions, and they are the brains behind the process of growing and producing our excellent cannabis inflorescences - pleasant to know.
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